Friday, July 17, 2009

4 months old today!

This has been a big week for us! First Sarah turned 3 on Wednesday and now Evan is 4 months today. Aaron and I just can't believe how big he has gotten in what feels like such a short time. He is constantly munching on his hands as you can see in the first picture. In the second picture you can see how he can not turn onto his tummy...almost.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My 3 year old princess

Today is Sarah's 3rd birthday! I can't believe that 3 years has already passed. Today we went to Build A Bear with Maw Maw (Sandy), Grammy (Rosalinda), Papi (Manuel), Alison, Anjolee and Kenzee. There were so many choices of animals that it took Sarah about 4 rounds of looking to choose her animal. First she wanted a pink unicorn. I have to admit that I thought the unicorn wasn't the cutest animal there but it's her birthday. Thankfully, she changed her mind and ended up picking a Hello Kitty animal.

Then we came home to eat pizza and birthday cake. After that is was present time and she got her first bicycle. I can't wait for it to cool off a little bit so that she can practice riding it.

I am so thankful for my sweet Sarah. She has changed my life for the better and is truly a gift from God. I can't wait to watch her grow because she has been such a joy!