Monday, September 29, 2008

Kids say the funniest things

One of the reasons I love my job is because I get to have fun. Don't get me wrong, there are parts of my job that I could do without. For the most part being a counselor means I get to play games, color, or read stories while I help kids.

Since I work with kids from ages 3 to 9 I have gotten a lot of different reactions to my pregnancy. When I was pregnant with Sarah one of my students asked "Whose the baby's daddy?" That was probably took me more by surprise than anything.

What was said today was more funny than surprising. I had a student who had come to my room for the first time. She immediately found the picture of Sarah that I have on my desk and asked who it was. I told her it was my daughter Sarah and that she was two. Then she got a quizzical look on her face and asked "Well whose that in there?" as she pointed to my belly. That just made me smile and I told her we weren't sure who was in there yet but I would let her know.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Sarah Pics

I am guilty of not taking enough pictures of my beautiful daughter. Believe me there are so many opportunites to take some really great pictures of her. However, I always seem to be without my camera. So, for the past few days I've had the camera close by and have been grabbing every opportunity I can to take pictures of her. So here are a few:)

Caught her dancing...she makes the funniest faces

I was trying to teach her how to blow bubbles

Here she was helping me inspect a bug we had found on the floor

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

How do I do it all?

I have been struggling with getting everything done. After working all day all I want to do it get home and rest. Most days I end up running to the store after work and then I pick up Sarah. We go home cook dinner, clean it up, and then get Sarah ready for bed. So by this time my feeling of being tired has turned into exhaustion. I have just enough energy to shower and fall into bed. By that time I could care less if the floors have been vacuumed or the bathrooms cleaned. The house can stay cluttered and laundry in baskets as long as I can go to sleep by 9:30.

I wake up the next morning and get a little more depressed when I see how awful the house looks. On the weekends when I actually do have time the last thing I want to do is clean. That's the time I want to spend with Aaron and Sarah. The weather is getting so nice that I want to go out and do things. So although I have no answer right now for this problem, I am hoping that after a while I won't feel so bad about it.

1st Trimester down, 2 to go!

Yesterday I was officially 3 months. I was hoping to wake up this morning feeling great, full of energy and no queasy stomach. Instead of energy I have been more exhausted this past week and desperately want a nap in the afternoons. Unfortunately, it looks like it might be a while longer before I feel better. It's amazing how fast the first 3 months have gone.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wonderful News!

I went to the doctor today and heard the wonderful sound of the baby's heartbeat. The moment I heard it a wave of relief flooded over me. Now I feel like I have permission to talk about the baby freely and to get excited. I know that this is in no way a guarantee that everything from this point will go smoothly. However, I feel like in this moment I can be happy. No matter what, I believe that God has blessed us more than I could have ever imagined.
So now I get to shout the happy news to more family, friends, and co-workers!