Sunday, October 26, 2008

Two little pumpkins

Yesterday we ventured out to a pumpkin patch in Flower Mound. It was me, Aaron, Sarah, Sandy (Aaron's mom), Melissa (my sister), Chris (Melissa's husband), and Bella (Chris and Melissa's little girl). This place was amazing! It had bounce houses, cutouts for the kids to take pictures in front of, two hay mazes, and tons of little picture setups with pumpkins. The best part was all the activities were free! I was so excited for Sarah to get to experience all of this.

We got there early but it was already crowded. The place had an area where you can pick out a wagon to pull the kids around in. Sarah was a little hesitant to ride in the wagon but then decided it was fun. Bella liked the wagon too.

Sarah was not into smiling much. There was a really cute tractor and wagon that the kids could sit on but she decided that she didn't want to do either one. She did humor me by standing in front of a few cutouts and the measuring stick.

Sarah's favorite part of the pumpkin patch was picking out a pumpkin. However, the ones she chose were much too heavy for her to pick up and she tried her best to do it anyway. I think that next year Sarah will like the pumpkin patch a little better and maybe be a little more adventurous.

1 comment:

Anjolee said...

Cuteness! I like that one where her and Bella are in the wagon anad she has her face kind of scrunched. It made me laugh. :)