Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanksgiving fun!

For Thanksgiving Sarah and I flew to Missouri to be with Aaron's family. It was Sarah's first plane ride and she did fantastic. I had bought a dvd player so that she could have an in-flight movie. We had many nice people help us along our journey. I think they felt sorry for me because I was pregnant, toting a 2 year old and carry on luggage.
While in Missouri Sarah got a chance to make noodles and pumpkin pie. This is a family tradition that the kids get to participate in and this year Sarah was old enough to join in. She had a great time rubbing flour on her face and mixing the ingredients for the pie.

Our last 2 days there is got down into the mid 20's so we didn't go out much. It even snowed but unfortunately we didn't get an opportunity to go out and play.

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