Wednesday, March 18, 2009

He's Here!

Little Evan James made his debut on St. Patrick's Day. He is 7 pounds and 18 inches long. I'll post more later about the events that led up to his birth. Let's just say he was ready to be born!


Anjolee said...

He looks like he has a good set of lungs. You look awesome. I can't wait to see more pictures of Evan. I love the name. I clicked the picture to make it bigger. What a cutie!

Unknown said...

Holy Moly! Saw the pictures! What a cute kid! You look tired, though. Love you guys, say hi to everybody, hope to see you soon and try and see the kid before he graduates college!

From Keith and Kris is Jollywood!

The McGuire Family said...

I can't wait to meet Todd. Take care and post more pictures when you can. He looks a lot like Sarah... he's precious.